Submit your prayer requests to be included in our daily intercessions. Join our community in lifting up intentions to the Lord.
We believe in the power of communal prayer. Submit your prayer requests below, and they will be included in our daily intercessions. These requests are displayed publicly so that other visitors and priests can join in prayer for your intentions.
Here you can see the prayer requests submitted by our community. Please take a moment to pray for these intentions, uniting your prayers with those of others around the world.
In the spirit of true Christian charity, we invite you to join us in offering intercessory prayers for the intentions of our brethren. By signing up below, you will receive a weekly email containing a list of prayer intentions submitted through our website. These petitions are an opportunity for you to exercise the corporal and spiritual works of mercy by remembering these intentions in your daily Rosary, personal devotions, Holy Masses, family prayers, novenas, and communal prayers.
We assure you that the only emails you will receive from us will be these prayer intentions, and nothing else. In your generosity, as you lift these needs to Our Lord and Our Lady, know that you too will be remembered in our prayers. May our collective supplications rise as incense before the throne of God, bringing comfort and grace to all who seek His divine assistance.
We believe in the power of communal prayer. Submit your prayer requests below, and they will be included in our daily intercessions. These requests are displayed publicly so that other visitors and priests can join in prayer for your intentions.
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